Math is all around us, so it is possible to work with children on several different issues related to mathematics and connect them with arts (painting, music and numerofonia, dance, drama, hand crafts,...) in an interdisciplinary way.
Our intention is to make an innovative project, supported by a curricular interaction between preschools and primary schools. At the moment there is a large concern across Europe regarding the results obtained by children and especially on the success in mathematics, so we believe that an impulse must given to the teaching and learning of this subject.
After a careful analysis of pedagogical methods used by each of the partners we want to understand children's needs and difficulties in mathematics, make some special activity and develop new teaching practices.
The aim of the project is to engage all the partners in the development of this innovative project and to implement the use of ICT and of the different European languages, increasing the feeling of an European citizenship. Moreover we want to reinforce the interest for math and arts.
- Actualization of the blog;
- Train of friendship;
- Multilingual dictionary of mathematics terms;
- Christmas and maths
- Portfolio(built for all partners along the project: pictures, sculptures, photos, different materials);
- Calendar 2013 - "With brushes and paint";
- The website;
- Games (interactive)"Kingdom in mathematics" (workshops - children will develop demonstration and operational materials, figures, shapes, signs, robots, experimentations, tangrams and origami, models of watches,...);
- New stories in mathematics(songs, poems about mathematics);
- Exhibition- "Math and art";
- E-book;
- Calendar 2014;
- Tradition and math (Christmas decoration from geometric figures);
- Parade of numbers and geometric figures;
- Brochures- "Building a city of the future" (development of models and arrangement of exhibition; built a city of the future...);
- Picture of friendship (math and art);
- E-book;
- "Our chest" - at the end of the project to gather all materials and products of the project to share, promote the project and its results.
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